Routing algorithm

SimQN network module also provides a routing algorithm interface and implements the default algorithm based on the Dijkstra’s algorithm.

The routing algorithm interface

The routing algorithm interface is RouteImpl with two methods:

  • build will generate a centralized routing tables. The input is a list of quantum nodes and a list of quantum channels.

  • query will returns the routing query results. The input is a source node and a destionation node. The result is a list of the following result format:
    • metric: the routing result’s metric (e.g. the total path’s length)

    • next hop: the next hop after the source node

    • path: the whole path, a list of nodes on this path

result = [
    [3, n2, [n1, n2, n5]], # first option, metric=3, next hop=n2, path=[n1, n2, n5]
    [4, n3, [n1, n3, n4, n5]] # second option

The Dijkstra’s algorithm

The DijkstraRouteAlgorithm implements the RouteImpl based on the Dijkstra’s algorithm. It has a optional injectable metric function metric_func. Its input is the quantum channel and returns the channels’ metric. By default, the metric_func returns 1. But users can provide their own metric_func, such as the bandwidth or the congestion of the channel.

An example of using this algorithm is:

from import RandomTopology, ClassicTopology
from import QuantumNetwork
from import DijkstraRouteAlgorithm

topo = RandomTopology(
    qchannel_args={"delay": 0.05, "bandwidth": 10},
    cchannel_args={"delay": 0.05},
    memory_args=[{"capacity": memory_capacity}],

# use the ``DijkstraRouteAlgorithm``, using the bandwidth as the ``metric_func``
route = DijkstraRouteAlgorithm(metric_func=lambda qchannel: qchannel.bandwidth)

# build the network, classic topology follows the quantum topology
net = QuantumNetwork(topo=topo, route = route)

QuantuNetwork provides two methods: build_route will build the routing tables, and query_route will query the routing result.

n1 = net.get_node("n1")
n5 = net.get_node("n5")

# build the routing tables

# query the routing result
result = net.query_route(n1, n5)