


  • Lutong Chen, Kaiping Xue, Jian Li, Nenghai Yu, Ruidong Li, Qibin Sun, Jun Lu. SimQN: a Network-layer Simulator for the Quantum Network Investigation. IEEE Network, 2023.
  • Lutong Chen, Kaiping Xue, Jian Li, Nenghai Yu, Ruidong Li, Jianqing Liu, Qibin Sun, Jun Lu. A Heuristic Remote Entanglement Distribution Algorithm on Memory-Limited Quantum Paths. IEEE Transactions of Communications (TCOM), 2022.
  • Mingrui Ai, Kaiping Xue, Bo Luo, Lutong Chen, Nenghai Yu, Qibin Sun, Jun Lu. Blacktooth: Breaking through the Defense of Bluetooth in Silence. In Proceedings of 2022 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2022.
  • 2021/11/08, 2nd place in FinTechathon 2021, Blockchain race trace. (微众银行第三届金融科技高校技术大赛,区块链赛道第二名).


  • Erblog - a blog theme with the hugo website framework.

  • SimQN - a discrete event-driven network simulator for quantum network investigations.

  • Erpass - a security password generator.

  • Wicktls - a new TLS-based tunnel with strong traffic reshaping

  • Wickproxy - a simple HTTP(s)/2 Tunnel with Basic Authentication with probe-resistance and fallback

  • ErtuilEditor - a markdown editor based on Electron.

  • stm32_template - a template project for stm32f1 and stm32f4 using gcc.

  • Erlisp - a lisp vm in lua.

  • Challenges author for the 6th, 7th and 8th USTC Hackergame.



