These are my blogs

and also my life

论文笔记| Redactable Blockchain in the Permissionless Setting

2019-07-10 reading S&P2019 区块链

Brief Author:Dominic Deuber, Bernardo Magri and Sri Aravinda Krishnan Thyagarajan IEEE S&P 2019 Introductoin 一种基于共识机制的协议,用于解决区块链中非法信息进行预警和和可审计的操作, ... Read More

论文笔记| Towards Practical Differentially Private Convex Optimization

2019-07-10 reading S&P2019 机器学习

Brief Roger Iyengar Carnegie Mellon University Om Thakkar Boston University Joseph P. Near University of California, Berkeley Abhradeep Thakurta ... Read More

论文笔记| True2F: Backdoor-resistant authentication tokens

2019-07-09 reading S&P2019 system secruity

Brief author: Emma Dauterman, Henry Corrigan-Gibbs, David Mazières, Dan Boneh, Dominic Rizzo From: Stanford and Google Introduction 双因子认证是目前对抗弱密码等恶意攻 ... Read More

论文笔记| Why Does Your Data Leak? Uncovering the Data Leakage in Cloud from Mobile Apps

2019-07-09 reading S&P2019 云安全

Brief author: Chaoshun Zuo, Zhiqiang Lin, Yinqian Zhang IEEE S&P 2019 Introduction 系统评估移动终端使用云存储时候的数据泄露 编写程序自动化完成评估 对各种软件进行评估,给出风险报告 Background 为什 ... Read More

论文笔记| Resident Evil: Understanding Residential IP Proxy as a Dark Service

2019-07-08 reading S&P2019 网络安全

Brief Meeting: S&P 2019 Authors: Xianghang Mi, Xuan Feng, Xiaojing Liao, Baojun Liu, XiaoFeng Wang, Feng Qian, Zhou Li, Sumayah Alrwais, Limin ... Read More

技术摘要| Erpass

2019-06-26 coding

Erpass 一个安全的密码生成软件 原始网站: 项目地址: 最近研究各个网站的口令管理。发现主要有两种类型的口令管理。一种是以 1password,lastpass 等为代表的的口令管理软件,其核心思路 ... Read More

论文笔记| YODA: Enabling computationally intensive contracts on blockchains with Byzantine and Selfish nodes

2019-05-14 reading 区块链

YODA: Enabling computationally intensive contracts on blockchains with Byzantine and Selfish nodes Sourav Das, Vinay Joseph Ribeiro and Abhijeet Anand ... Read More

论文笔记| Sajin Sasy, Sergey Gorbunov, Christopher W. Fletcher. ZeroTrace: Oblivious Memory Primitives from Intel SGX.

2019-05-14 reading

Sajin Sasy, Sergey Gorbunov, Christopher W. Fletcher. ZeroTrace: Oblivious Memory Primitives from Intel SGX. Network and Distributed Systems Security ... Read More

技术摘要| 现代 C99, C11 标准下的 C 语言编程

2019-04-13 coding c linux

现代 C99, C11 标准下的 C 语言编程 一、摘要 一直以来,我们所学习的 C 语言大多是 ANSI-C 标准,也就是后来被标准化的 C89 标准。在 1999 年发布的 C99 和 2011 年发布的 C11 标准在此之上,引入了许多新的特性,也解决了许多问题。因此,随着标准的发布, ... Read More

技术摘要| Atom 的第一次尝试

2019-04-09 coding atom editor

Atom 的第一次尝试 对于我来说,折腾已经成为了一种习惯了。耐不住性子的我常常会去折腾各种新的东西,编辑器、系统、浏览器这些我都会经常去尝试,去找到哪一款自己最喜爱的和效率最高的产品。 我个人对于编辑器的要求还是很高的,要能够敏捷、好用,还得长得好看。也尝试过主流的各种编辑器, ... Read More