Topology generator ====================== Build quantum network topology ------------------------------- SimQN provides a interface (````) for topology generators. All topology has the following initiate variables: - ``nodes_number``: the number of nodes in the network - ``nodes_apps``: a list of applications that will be added to all nodes - ``qchannel_args``: the common attribution directory of quantum channels. Its key is the initiate variable's name of ``QuantumChannel``, for example: :code:`{"delay": 0.3, "bandwidth": 10}`. - ``qchannel_args``: the common attribution directory of classic channels. Its key is the initiate variable's name of ``ClassicChannel``, for example: :code:`{"delay": 0.3, "bandwidth": 10}`. - ``memory_args``: a list of the common attributions directory of the quantum memories. Its key is the initiate variable's name of ``QuantumMemory``, for example: :code:`[{"capacity": 10}, {"capacity": 10, "store_error_model_args": {"t_coh": 1}}]` Topology generators may have more parameters. The following example shows how to use the random topology generator, and it has an optional parameter ``lines_number``: .. code-block:: python from import RandomTopology from import QuantumNetwork topo = RandomTopology( nodes_number=5, lines_number=10, qchannel_args={"delay": 0.05}, cchannel_args={"delay": 0.05}, memory_args=[{"capacity": memory_capacity}], nodes_apps=[EntanglementDistributionApp(init_fidelity=init_fidelity)]) # build the network net = QuantumNetwork(topo=topo) SimQn provides several topology generators: - ``BasicTopology`` generates several quantum nodes but no quantum channels. All nodes are not connected with each other. - ``LineTopology`` connects all nodes to from a line topology. - ``GridTopology`` forms a square grid topology. ``nodes_number`` should be a perfect square number. - ``TreeTopology`` generates a tree topology. It has an additional parameter ``children_number``. Each parent node will connect to ``children_number`` child nodes. - ``RandomTopology`` generates a connected random topology based on the spanning tree. It has an additional parameter ``lines_number`` indicating the number of quantum channels. - ``WaxmanTopology`` is another random topology generator based on the Waxman's algorithm. It has three additional parameters, ``size``, ``alpha``, and ``bete``. The topology is in a :math:`size*size` area. Both ``alpha`` and ``bete`` are parameters of the Waxman's algorithm. Users can build their own topology by inheriting the ``Topology`` class and implement the ``build`` method. Build classic topology -------------------------- SimQN is able to generate classic topologies as well. The classic topology is indicated by the variable ``classic_topo``. It is an ``Enum`` with the following options: - ``ClassicTopology.All``, all nodes are connected directly by a classic channels - ``ClassicTopology.Empty``, no classic topology will be built - ``ClassicTopology.Follow``, the classic topology will be the same to the quantum topology .. code-block:: python from import RandomTopology, ClassicTopology from import QuantumNetwork topo = RandomTopology( nodes_number=5, lines_number=10, qchannel_args={"delay": 0.05}, cchannel_args={"delay": 0.05}, memory_args=[{"capacity": memory_capacity}], nodes_apps=[EntanglementDistributionApp(init_fidelity=init_fidelity)]) # build the network, classic topology follows the quantum topology net = QuantumNetwork(topo=topo, classic_topo=ClassicTopology.Follow) Manage the network ------------------- The ``QuantumNetwork`` provides the following APIs to get or add nodes, channels, memories and applications: - ``install``, initiate all nodes, channels, memories and applications in one step - ``add_node``, add a new node - ``get_node``, get a quantum nodes by its name - ``add_qchannel``, add a new quantum channel - ``get_qchannel``, get a quantum channel by its name - ``add_cchannel``, add a new classic channel - ``get_cchannel``, get a classic channel by its name - ``add_memories``, add new quantum memories to all nodes .. code-block:: python # get node by its name n1 = net.get_node("n1") # add a new node n2 = QNode(name="n2") net.add_node(n2) # get a quantum channel by its name l1 = net.get_qchannel("l1") # add a quantum channel l2 = QuantumChannel("l2") net.add_node(l2) node_list = net.nodes # get all nodes qchannel_list = net.qchannels # get all quantum channels cchannel_list = net.cchannels # get all classic channels # produce a simulator s = Simulator(0, 60) # initiate the whole network net.install(s)